

Catholic giftsCatholic books play an essential role in nurturing and deepening our understanding of faith. Whether it's the Holy Bible, lives of saints, theological reflections, prayer books, or spiritual guides, these literary resources offer valuable insights into the rich tapestry of Catholicism.

For those new to the faith, many of our Catholic books help give a deeper understanding of Catholic beliefs and traditions. For those seeking to deepen their spirituality, we offer a variety of inspirational writings from renowned theologians and spiritual writers.

Our collection also includes faith-based books tailored for children, encouraging them to learn and grow in their faith from a young age. Explore our wide selection of Catholic literature to nourish your spiritual journey, inspire your daily living, and enrich your understanding of the divine.

Catholic Shop sells Books and a wide variety of religious jewelry and gifts. All orders over $40 ship free, and every package is insured at no cost to you.


  • Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Founder of the Jesuits

    The Soldier of Christ The founder of the Jesuits, Saint Ignatius of Loyola was one of the most startling and imposing saints in the history of the Church. Born in 1491 to Spanish nobility, he spent his youth as a courtier, focused on worldly things like his appearance and gaining temporal glory. He described himself later as a manifold sinner. Eventually, he became a soldier in the Spanish army. In 1521, at age 30, his life conversion struck: hit by a cannonball, he was forced into a convalescence of several months. To spend the time, he read; when he found the romantic and knightly novels he requested were not available, he read the lives of the saints and of Christ. His heart was stirred to repentance and imitation of the saints, and he began to compare his dreams for his life: serving the king and wooing a particular woman of the king's court or serving God and imitating the penances and fasts of the saints. The former left him sad and dissatisfied, and the latter left him peaceful and joyful: thus he knew what was the way, and this became the foundation of his method of discernment. After his recovery, Ignatius was a new man. After confessing and vowing his life to Our Lady, he lived in a cave for a time and performed exceeding fasts and penances. Throughout this period, he was tempted by suicide and was filled with scruples, but he persevered and gained the grace of visions and discernment of spirits. He recorded the first elements of his famous Spiritual Exercises, made a harrowing pilgrimage to the Holy Land (only to be turned away), and studied at universities for 11 years. Eventually, he gathered six companions and formed the basis of the Society of Jesus, that monumental, titanic, and legitimately world-shifting religious order which owes its existence to him. After ordination, Ignatius took 18 months to prepare for his first Holy Mass. When at last the society was formalized, the pope took a great liking to them. Among their constitutions were the revolutionary rule not to accept ecclesiastical dignities and the extremely long period of probation. Ignatius guided the order through massive growth spurts and trials, ultimately succumbing to illness in utter peace, passing quietly into eternity. This life of the soldier saint will inspire you and invigorate your faith life. No one is too far gone to turn back to God, and, if his own life experience is any indication, this biography will work wonders in stoking your desire to become a saint!
    (0 reviews)  
    SKU: 97983


  • Saint Gertrude the Great: Herald of Divine Love

    One of the greatest saints in the history of the Church, Saint Gertrude the Great began life in 1256. She was given to the schools of a Benedictine monastery. She excelled in intellectual activity and learning, but, in her twenties, she became most preoccupied with theology, the Fathers, and the Scriptures. Her holiness was hidden, as she constantly prayed to God to keep it, but she manifested miracles and experienced raptures. Writing many works of piety, she endeavored to raise others to the rarefied sanctity which she was privileged to have obtained early in life With her devotion from a young age, Saint Gertrude also received numerous visions of Our Lord and Our Lady. Before St. Margaret Mary a few centuries later, St. Gertrude was one of the first to gain revelations about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and how best to honor It in private devotion. Her concern was for His immense charity to become incarnate, to die for our sins, to institute the Blessed Sacrament, and to offer Himself as an eternal Victim for our sake—all of which Christ Himself explained to her the mystical significance of. Saint Gertrude the Great: Herald of Divine Love provides a short, popular biography of the magnificent Benedictine nun who transformed the world through her devotedness and holiness. May the insights received by Saint Gertrude, matched by very few other mystics', show you her privileges before the Throne of God. Let this book show you the secrets of her own sanctity, concealed in the Heart of the Divine Redeemer. SKU: 97982
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    SKU: 97982


  • Good Saint Anne

    St. Anne, the beloved Mother of Our Lady and Grandmother of Christ Our Lord, has proven herself a heavenly helper for every need. Although we know next to nothing of her historically, the traditions record that she was a pious and holy woman. Like St. Elizabeth, she was sterile until her older years, when God finally heard the fervent prayer of St. Anne and her husband St. Joachim, the Grandparents of God, to grant them a child—indeed, the most extraordinary in history, after Christ: for to St. Anne was granted the immeasurable grace of conceiving in her womb immaculately the holy Mother of God, destined to be a spotless Bride of the Lord. In Good St. Anne, find the tale of this holy matriarch, and learn how to call upon her intercession. Among her titles, she is especially invoked as: Patroness of Mothers, Comfort of the Sorrowing, Mother of the Poor, Health of the Sick, Patroness of the Childless, Help of the Pregnant, Model of Married Women and Mothers, Protectress of Widows, and Patroness of Laborers. The Mother of the Mother of God, the holy St. Anne, prays for us in our every need if we only ask her. She is of course especially close to Our Lady, and she provides for us a means of securing the heavenly patronage of Our Sweet Mother Mary, who is the surest means of knowing Our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Anne, privileged to bear the Mother of God, and to become in Christ a daughter of the one you bore, pray for us to Our Lady and to God!. SKU: 97981
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    SKU: 97981


  • Messages to the World From the Mother of God

    This pocket sized handbook containing the messages given to the visionaries of Medjugorje is a must-have for pilgrims who desire to heed the call to conversion sounded from the mountaintops of Bosnia-Hercegovina. Messages to the World from the Mother of God is a perfect companion to take along as an aid to prayer and meditation. It includes all of the messages intended for the whole world beginning March 1, 1987, through August, 2002, with 1 supplements that include the recent message from 2005. Soft cover. 271 pages. ISBN 094648448-7-7 Catalog No. 0302. SKU: 97973
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    SKU: 97973


  • The Saint Benedict Prayer Book

    For over a thousand years, Benedictine monks around the world have followed the daily pattern of morning, noon, and evening prayer known as the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Divine Office. Gathered from the Benedictine tradition, the prayers included in this book grew up around the celebration of the Divine Office—embellishing it, illuminating it, and echoing it for generations of the faithful. The Saint Benedict Prayer Book also reclaims little-known prayers (Little Offices, Commemorations, and Litanies) from long ago. For anyone seeking a way of prayer rooted in ancient wisdom, this little book offers a sure path.
    (0 reviews)  
    SKU: 97742


  • Putting Joy Into Practice

    Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church Putting Joy into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church is an invitation to a life of joy. Phoebe Farag Mikhail explains what joy is and how to experience it through seven spiritual practices that cultivate our inner lives and connect us to our communities. These seven practices, which include giving thanks, hospitality, praise, and more, take us on a journey that leads to joy through the giving and receiving of sacrificial love. She describes her own experiences and struggles with joy and offers practical ways to implement these practices to increase joy in our own lives and in the lives of all those around us. Format: Paperback Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches Pages: 180. SKU: 57858
    (1 reviews)  
    SKU: 57858


  • King David and His Songs: A Story of the Psalms

    By Mary Fabyan Windeatt "They've sent a mere boy to fight against me!" roared the giant Goliath, as he caught sight of David across the valley. "Am I just a dog?" Things did not look good for David, yet wasn't the Lord on his side? King David and His Songs: A Story of the Psalms describes what happened next, plus the many other great events in the life of this shepherd boy who became a warrior, a hero, a fugitive, a king, and the ancestor of Our Lord. 138 Pages . SKU: 46526
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 47985


  • Pray for Others in Color

    By The Editors of Paraclete PressHow often do we say "I'll pray for you" and forget to offer a prayer? Or rattle off aname in prayer without feeling much if any connection to it. This new coloring book for adults offers a creative way to pray for our loved ones—friends and family—and sometimes maybe even someone we'd rather not pray for. By combining intercessory prayer with coloring, we can enter into a sacred spaceand spend time there focusing on each person. This coloring book was created with the bestselling author of Praying in Color, Sybil MacBeth. Sybil discovered her method of praying through doodling during a time of intercessory prayer for a friend with cancer. Feeling she had no words to express her feelings in prayer, she began to doodle; after some time, she realized she had created a visual prayer for her friend. Sybil's Prayingin Color method is combined with coloring pages, so no matter whether you think you can draw or not: you can pray visually by filling in the lovely coloring pages included here. SKU: 46539
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46539


  • Praying In Color - Portable

    By Sybil MacBethPraying in color can take as little or as much time as you have or want to commit, from 15 minutes to a weekend retreat. "A new prayer form gives God an invitation and a new door to penetrate the locked cells of our hearts and minds," explains MacBeth. "For many of us, using only words to pray reduces God by the limits of our finite words." Maybe you hunger to know God better. Maybe you lovecolor. Maybe you are a visual or kinesthetic learner, a distractable or impatient soul, or a word-weary pray-er. Perhaps you struggle with a short attention span, a restless body, or a tendency to live in your head this new prayer form helps to communicate with God. This smaller, "portable" edition has also been revised andupdated by the author for the new format. SKU: 46536
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46536


  • Grief Unveiled - 15th Anniversary

    By Gregory FloydGregory Floyd's autobiographical journey through grief after the tragic death of his youngest son recounts thefull impact of such a loss on a Christian family. In this thoroughly updated and expanded edition, Floyd more than ever before allows the reader into his heart as he grapples with the interior emotions that question the goodness of God in the midst of unbearable grief. With honesty and candor, this loving father openly reveals the depths of his pain as he struggles to maintain his faith and provide leadership for the rest of his family. He reflect on what it is like to live with the grief fifteen years on, as he watches his other children mature, get married, and begin lives fully on their own."An extraordinary account... At once emotionally devastating, at times spirituallyexhilarating, and most of the time both at once."— First Things"This is no ordinary book about grief. Gregory Floyd writes from the depth of a father's heart with sensitivity and spiritual reality."—Thomas J. Monaghan Founder of Domino's PizzaUltimately a story of profound hope and healing, A Grief Unveiled offers encouragement and empathynot only to those who have experienced the agony of parental bereavement, but to anyone who has suffered a loss. SKU: 46519
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46519


  • Praying with Your Whole Heart

    By St. Augustine, St. Thomas a Kempis and St. Catherine of SienaThese thematic collections of spiritual teachings from the best Christian writers in history are sure to be popular with book study groups, Centering prayer gatherings, adult Christian formation, and for individual spiritual reading. SKU: 46491
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46491


  • Humble Thyself Before the Lord

    By Including the writings of St. Thomas a Kempis, Brother Lawerence, St. Anthony of Egypt and St. Catherine of SienaThese thematic collections of spiritual teachings from the best Christian writers in history are sure to be popular with book study groups, Centering prayer gatherings, adult Christian formation, and for individual spiritual reading. SKU: 46490
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46490


  • Journey to the Heart

    By Frank JelenekThis resource has been declared Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur by William B. Smith, S. T. D., Censor Librorum and Dennis J. Sullivan, Vicar General, Archdiocese of New YorkMillions of books have been sold, teaching adults the practice of centering prayer. Finally, a guide for children!Centering prayer is a way of openingour whole being to God, beyond thoughts, words andemotions. It is simple and practical—a way of preparing heart and mind to receive the gift of intimate relationship with God. Jesus said, “When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6) Frank Jelenek shows young children just how to do that. The first guide to a contemplative prayer practice for children, Journey to the Heart both instructs and inspires. Many parents and teachers will learn fromthis colorful treasure of a book, as well! Until now, parents and teachers had no resource available to introduce children to the joys of communicating with God in this special, intimate way. This loving book makes it easy for children to share in the spiritual nourishment of centering prayer through age-appropriate illustrations and text that provides clear directions and encouragement in simple, fun language. Ideal for ages 3 — 10. SKU: 46475
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46475


  • The ABCs of Thomas Merton

    By Gregory and Elizabeth Ryan Young readers (age 5-9), parents, grandparents, teachers, and catechists willenjoy learning about the major events in Thomas Merton's life and the choices hemade along the way to become the world's most famous monk and hermit. The playful ABCs format used in this book will help children to remember what they are learning about Thomas Merton and the Christian life in general. With childlike simplicity, the book creates an open and contemplative mood for the child and grown-up sharing in the reading experience. "Highly recommended — very impressive." — Fr. Daniel Horan,OFM "Every reader whether young or young at heart will warmly be invited through this unique, informative, and cleverly illustrated little book to travel further into the heart and message of Thomas Merton in his ardent zeal to know the God of love and peace." — Msgr. Edward J. Arnister, Diocese of Trenton, NJ "The perfect tool to invite the next generation to discover Merton, read his books, and see how his wisdom is a guide for our lives." — Sr. Monica Weis, SSJ, Rochester University, Mertonscholar . SKU: 46469
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46469


  • My Paraclete Bible Story Box

    By Sophie Piper These stores are faithfully retold for bedtime. The simple and respectful words are brought to life on every page with bright and appealing illustration to delight every young child. Includes these beloved stories: Noah and the Flood Moses and the Princess David and Goliath The First Christmas Jesus and the Fisherman The Lost Sheep . SKU: 46462
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 46462


  • 14K Gold-Dipped Christ Bearing Cross Bookmark

    Our 14K Gold-Dipped Christ Bearing Cross Bookmark from Symbols of Faith measures 3.25"L x 0.88"W and comes in a deluxe gift box.

    All items from Symbols of Faith (formerly the Vatican Library Collection) are made in the USA, including this beautiful piece.

    When does it ship?: This item ships the same or next business day.

    SKU: 44291

    (2 reviews)  
    SKU: 44291


  • 14K Gold-Dipped Red Crystal Sistine Cross Small Bookmark

    Our 14K Gold-Dipped Red Crystal Sistine Cross Small Bookmark from Symbols of Faith measures 3"L x 1"W and comes in a deluxe gift box.

    All items from Symbols of Faith (formerly the Vatican Library Collection) are made in the USA, including this beautiful piece.

    When does it ship?: This item ships the same or next business day.

    SKU: 44239

    (2 reviews)  
    SKU: 44239


  • Black Trinity Book Gift Set

    First Communion 5 Piece Gift Set Includes: Clear Carrying Case, Deluxe Missal, Rosary, Scapular and Pin. This Black Trinity Book Gift Set features the money-back guarantee.

    SKU: 40754
    (2 reviews)  
    SKU: 40754
    $41.00 save 20%


  • Rosary Coloring Book - Luminous Mysteries

    The Luminous Mysteries are illustrated in a beautiful way in this book.
    (2 reviews)  
    SKU: 36835


  • Rosary Coloring Book - Sorrowful Mysteries

    The Sorrowful Mysteries are illustrated in a beautiful fashion. This beautiful Catholic coloring book by Coloring With Love features over 50 pages for children to color. The drawings are accompanied by quotes from the Bible, making this an ideal gift to help children learn about their faith while they color.
    (2 reviews)  
    SKU: 36833



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