Finding peace in our daily struggles through Jesus
By Kady Hall
We all know the incredible value that positive thinking has on living a satisfying and meaningful life. Teaching your children how to find happiness in the difficult times is a blessing that could change the rest of their lives. Saint Francis once said, “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.” We recently added some children’s books to the shop that will help every parent looking to lovingly instill these priceless values in their children’s hearts.
The first book is called, “Butterflies Under Our Hats” by bestselling author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso. This book begins in the daunting town of Chelm, where there is no luck and absolutely, no hope. Until a beautiful stranger comes along, who convinces the townspeople that hope will be coming soon in the form of butterflies. She shares with them, that hope is better than luck and if they are fast enough to catch the butterflies under their hats, they will finally have the happiness they’ve been searching for. The book ends with optimism restored to the town, and a beautiful lesson on the true source of joy in our lives, ourselves.
Images from “Butterflies Under Our Hats”
Our next favorite book is about finding joy in everyday activities through Jesus. It’s titled, “Sharing God’s Love” by Scot McKnight & Laura McKnight Barringer. This is a story of two young children who are constantly reminded of Jesus throughout their day in their gratitude, love for others, and in the small sacrifices they make in order to put others before themselves. This story is a perfect example of how we should all be living our lives, in peace with Jesus. Take a peek inside below!
Pages from “Sharing God’s Love”
The next book is called, “Journey to the Heart- Centering Prayer for Children” by Frank Jelenek. This is a step by step book on finding inner peace through contemplative prayer. This story begins by explaining that Jesus lives in our hearts and is available to pray with us anytime we need him. Jelenek then goes into detail about how we can tune out the noises around us, even the ones in our head, to be alone with Jesus using a simple-sacred word. My favorite line from this beautiful book reads, “In your heart and soul God speaks in silence, where words cannot be found, out loud. But know and trust that God will hear you, even when you don’t speak a word. His ear is right next to your heart.” (Jelenek)
Pages from “Journey To The Heart”
We saved the best book for last, “Will I See My Pet in Heaven?,” written by Friar Jack Wintz. This is a heartwarming book, that in the end tells children and adults alike, yes you will see your beloved pet in heaven. This story outlines the implications in the Bible which demonstrate why and how God has chosen to send all of our favorite creatures to heaven with us! Through St. Francis of Assisi, the book illustrates how every animal is a creation of God that will be taken care of. This title reads, “Our God, who is caring toward all, created one big family. And if that is true, doesn’t it make sense that God’s saving care would include not only human beings, but the whole family of creation? I believe that’s what St. Francis saw when he read the Bible. He understood that our whole world was connected, not only physically here on this earth but through God’s love for us, and even after we die.” (Wintz)
Check out this video by animal-lover Anna Bloomfield, sharing her love for her pets and this book-
You can purchase all of these books at CatholicShop.com, by clicking the links below-
Butterflies Under Our Hats
Sharing God’s Love
Journey to the Heart- Centering Prayer for Children
Will I See My Pet in Heaven