St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus and the spouse of Mary, is a profound figure in Catholic tradition. Though not much is written about him in the New Testament, he is venerated as a model of virtue, faith, and fatherhood.
Today, we explore five ways Catholic men can emulate the life of St. Joseph in their own lives as fathers. We’ve also compiled some of our favorites quotes about St. Joseph from other Catholic saints and several popes.
With Father’s Day in mind, let’s look to Saint Joseph as our model of fatherhood. He stands as an example to all fathers, encouraging them to lead with faith, to protect and guide their families with love, and to serve as a spiritual pillar.
1. Lead by Example
One of the most striking aspects of St. Joseph’s life is that despite his significant role, his actions are hardly recorded. Instead, we see the result of his actions in the lives of Jesus and Mary. He is an example of quiet strength and virtue. As fathers, we can take a page from his book and understand that our children learn more from what we do than what we say.
Leading by example means living out our values and teaching our children through our actions. It involves showing kindness, love, forgiveness, and respect to everyone we encounter. It’s not just about saying prayers with them, but also showing them how to live those prayers.
“Saint Joseph. One cannot love Jesus and Mary without loving the Holy Patriarch.”
~ St. Josemaria Escriva
2. Embrace Humility and Obedience
St. Joseph is the model of humility and obedience. He accepted God’s will without question when he learned of Mary’s miraculous pregnancy and then devoted his life to serving his family. This humility and obedience to God’s will is a powerful lesson for all fathers.
In our lives, this might mean surrendering our own desires or ambitions for the sake of our family’s well-being. It also means obeying God’s commandments and the teachings of the Church, even when it’s hard or counter-cultural.
“Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect, and enlighten families.”
~ Pope John Paul II
3. Be a Provider and Protector
St. Joseph was a carpenter by trade. He provided for his family and protected them, even in the face of danger. When King Herod sought to kill the infant Jesus, Joseph took his family and fled to Egypt. This act is a stark reminder of the lengths a father may need to go to ensure the safety and well-being of his family.
Today, being a provider and protector doesn’t only mean financially. It also involves providing emotional support, guidance, and a safe environment for your children to grow. It means protecting them from harmful influences and standing up for them when they need you.
“In Joseph … heads of the household are blessed with the unsurpassed model of fatherly watchfulness and care.”
~ Pope Leo XIII
4. Practice Silence and Inner Peace
The New Testament doesn’t record any words spoken by St. Joseph. His silence speaks volumes about his inner peace and contemplative spirit. In a world filled with noise and distractions, cultivating a spirit of silence can bring us closer to God and help us listen to His voice.
Fathers can practice this by taking time for prayer and reflection each day. In these moments of silence, you can find the strength and wisdom you need to guide your family.
“In Joseph, the apparent tension between active and contemplative life finds an ideal harmony that is only possible for those who possess the perfection of charity.”
~ Pope Benedict XVI
5. Love Unconditionally
St. Joseph’s love for Jesus and Mary was selfless and unconditional. He loved Jesus as his own, even though He was not his biological son. This unselfish, sacrificial love is the essence of fatherhood.
To love like St. Joseph, fathers can show their children that their love doesn’t depend on their accomplishments or behavior. It means forgiving mistakes, being patient, and showing affection. It’s about making sacrifices for their happiness and well-being, just as St. Joseph did for Jesus and Mary.
“Devotion to St. Joseph is one of the choicest graces that God can give to a soul, for it is tantamount to revealing the entire treasury of our Lord’s graces.”
~ St. Peter Julian Eymard
Go Forth
St. Joseph’s life provides a timeless model of fatherhood for all Catholic men. His quiet strength, humble obedience, protective nature, peaceful spirit, and unconditional love make him an ideal example for all fathers striving to live out their vocation. In closing, we invite you to pray for St. Joseph’s intercession and blessing with this prayer:
Prayer to St. Joseph
Blessed Joseph, husband of Mary,
be with us this day.
You protected
and cherished the Virgin;
loving the Child Jesus as your Son,
you rescued Him from the danger of death.
Defend the Church, the household of God,
purchased by the blood of Christ.
Guardian of the Holy Family,
be with us in our trials.
May your prayers obtain for us the
strength to flee from error and
wrestle with the powers of corruption
so that in life we may grow in holiness
and in death rejoice in the crown of victory.
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Our line of St. Joseph devotional items make wonderful Father’s Day gifts for the Catholic dads in your life.