The Bible and Lent If you are one of the smart ones, you may object to Lent by saying that it is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. If you did say that, you’d actually be right. The word Lent never appears in holy scripture. But neither does “Christmas” or “Easter”, so settle down. What we … Continue Reading »
Author: catholicshop
An Excerpt from “40 Days with the Holy Spirit” – Lent Day 16
READ: Acts 6: l -6 Now during those days, when the disciples were increasing in number, the Hellenists complained against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food.
First Communion Season Sale!
Commemorating a First Communion with a gift is not only a tradition, it’s also a wonderful way to give the recipient a lasting reminder of his or her special day. First Communion gifts serve as tokens of faith that will guide the recipients through life. At, we have an enormous selection of First Communion … Continue Reading »
Win a FREE Bishop Robert Barron “Catholicism” DVD Set!
To win this week’s giveaway, a FREE “Catholicism” DVD Set featuring Bishop Robert Barron, sign-up here and tell us what you’re giving up for Lent! A winner will be chosen at random on Tuesday, March 6th. This amazing retrospective of the Catholic Church, hosted by the brilliant Bishop Barron, is a great primer during this … Continue Reading »
Prophecy of Johannes Friede
Johannes Friede was an Austrian monk of the Order of St. John who died in 1257 AD. “When the great time will come, in which mankind will face its last, hard trial, it will be foreshadowed by striking changes in nature; the alteration between cold and heat will become more intensive, storms will have more … Continue Reading »
Monday, Second Week of Lent
“But I am so imperfect,” you say. I believe it, indeed! Therefore do not hope to be able to live without committing imperfections, seeing that this is impossible while you are this life. It is enough that you do not love them and that they do not remain in your heart. That is, you do not commit them voluntarily and you … Continue Reading »
10% Off Patron Saint Medal Sale!
This week, we’re offering our entire collection of Patron Saint Medals for 10% off our already low prices. We have medals of every size, material and price. Pray for your patron saint’s intercession and carry them with you everywhere you go with these medals from Enter coupon code: PATRON18 at checkout to take an … Continue Reading »
Today is the Feast Day of Saint Peter Damian
Saint Peter Damian (1007 – 21 February 1072) was a reforming Benedictine monk and cardinal in the circle of Pope Leo IX. Dante placed him in one of the highest circles of Paradiso as a great predecessor of Saint Francis of Assisi and he was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1828.
FREE Hail Mary “Morse Code” Secret Prayer Necklace!
From My Saint My Hero®, this beautiful Aqua and Silver necklace features two scapular medals on a 40″ inch rope and a deluxe gift box. The Hail Mary Prayer has been secretly encoded in Morse Code using blue crystals as the dots and silver beads as the dashes. Enter now for your chance to win! … Continue Reading »
Prophecy of Bishop George Wittman
Bishop George Wittman made the following prediction in the 19th century.