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Mirjana Soldo was only 16 years old when she and five other children saw a mysterious young woman on a remote hillside in the village of Medjugorje, then part of Yugoslavia. The woman—who possessed a beauty and grace that seemed to come from beyond—identified herself as the Virgin Mary. The apparitions that began on the afternoon of June 24, 1981 would dramatically change Mirjana’s life and the lives of countless people around the world. Her claims, however, contradicted the atheistic ideologies of the Communist government and Mirjana was deemed “an enemy of the state.” Amazingly, the apparitions have continued for over 35 years. Millions of people travel to Medjugorje every year in search of answers to life’s biggest questions. The messages given by Mary are a call for mankind to return to God. And, according to Mirjana, the Virgin entrusted her with ten secrets that foretell the future of the world—secrets that she will reveal within her lifetime. Paperback. 369 pages. A portion of every book sold goes to Mary's Meals, a charity which feeds over a million children every day. SPECIAL OFFER: Every copy of My Heart Will Triumph ordered here on CatholicShop. Com comes with a free My Heart Will Triumph bookmark! BULK PRICES: CatholicShop. Com is the official publisher of My Heart Will Triumph. Buy the book in bulk to save up to 55%. Learn more. Also available En Español! |
YOUCAT is short for Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, which was launched on World Youth Day, 2011. Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high-school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summary definitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiring and thought-provoking quotes from Saints and others in the margins. What's more, YOUCAT is keyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so people can go deeper. It explains:What Catholics believe and why (doctrine) How Catholics celebrate the mysteries of the faith (sacraments) How Catholics are to live (moral life) How they should pray (prayer and spirituality) The questions are direct and honest, even at times tough; the answers straightforward, relevant, and compelling. YOUCAT will likely become the "go-to" place for young people to learn the truth about the Catholic faith. Illustrated. What Pope Benedict XVI has to say about the YOUCAT project:"Study this Catechism with passion and perseverance. Make a sacrifice of your time for it! Study it in the quiet of your room; read it with a friend; form study groups and networks; share with each other on the Internet. By all means continue to talk with each other about your faith." 305 pages.
Medjugorje: The First Seven Days by journalist Darko Pavičić is a detailed and impartial journalistic-investigative reconstruction through previously unpublished materials and witnesses interviews sheds light on the occurrences of the first days of Medjugorje apparitions from June 24th to July 3rd, 1981, whose authenticity the Vatican considers positive. Medjugorje, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the only place in the world where the Virgin Mary appears every day. These apparitions have continued for 41 years and today Medjugorje is governed by the Vatican through a special papal envoy. Medjugorje: The First Seven Days was inspired by the unofficial findings of the International Commission of Inquiry of the Holy See for Medjugorje, which Pope Benedict XVI entrusted to Cardinal Camillo Ruini and which gave a positive opinion on the authenticity of these "first seven days", i. E. the ten days of apparitions from June 24th to July 3rd, 1981. The book is an ideal introduction to the phenomenon for skeptics and those who encounter the Medjugorje phenomenon for the first time, while it also contains a handful of previously unpublished details which are unknown even to devotees of Medjugorje. 370 pages. Paperback. Learn more about the book Also available in Español More languages |
A short, famous classic on "true devotion to Mary"--an excellent, easy means of attaining holiness and salvation, a way followed by Popes and Saints, but also perfect for lay people. It is at least every bit as good as his True Devotion to Mary! Small but powerful--seems almost divinely inspired! The author of The Secret of the Rosary and the originator of total consecration to Mary, St. Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort (1673-1716) remains one of the greatest apostles of Marian devotion the world has ever known. As a young priest, De Montfort dedicated himself to preaching to the people. This highly gifted orator's language was simple but full of divine love, much as you will find in True Devotion to Mary. De Montfort's whole life was marked by constant prayer, love for the poor and holy joy in humiliations and persecutions. De Montfort was canonized by Pius XII in 1947. Dimensions: 3.75" X 6" X 0.25"
A unique little prayerbook of powerful prayers and devotions, including wonderful promises attached that were made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to various famous Saints. Includes devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, Precious Blood, Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, etc. Shows that God wants to grant us favors--if we will just pray!. SKU: 44618 Format: Paperback
Have you ever imagined speaking with the Blessed Mother? Can you? Inform your imagination with these beautiful, true stories about canonized Saints who saw and spoke with the Blessed Mother: St. Gertrude the Great, St. Francis, St. Bridget, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and more - 17 in all. Enlightening. Enjoyable. Inspiring. This fascinating book imparts a profound realization about the loving role of Mary in the lives of the faithful. Pages: 145 Format: Paperback
Saint Benedict: Monk, Mystic, Exorcist, in this Hardcover Large Print version, weaves together remarkable threads of monasticism, mystical experiences, prayer, and spiritual combat to paint a vivid portrait of an enigmatic man whose legacy continues to inspire the modern-day world.
Medjugorje situada en Bosnia y Herzegovina, es el único lugar del mundo donde la Virgen María sigue apareciendo todos los días. ¡Las apariciones diarias siguen ocurriendo desde hace 41 años! El libro Medjugorje - Los primeros siete días se inspiró en los resultados no oficiales de la Comisión Internacional de Investigación de la Santa Sede para Medjugorje, que el Papa Benedicto XVI encomendó al Cardenal Camillo Ruini, que dio una opinión positiva sobre la autenticidad de estos primeros siete días o, mejor dicho, de diez días de apariciones desde el 24 de junio hasta el 3 de julio de 1981. El autor habló con los testigos del tiempo: los seis videntes, el párroco franciscano Jozo Zovko, los padres de los videntes, sus vecinos y amigos, y con todas las personas más cercanas a ellos en esos primeros días. También utilizó toda la literatura de esa época y el material único: grabaciones de audio de la conversación del párroco Jozo Zovko con los videntes de esos primeros días, que el párroco Zovko grabó. De todo esto, ha sido creado un libro que tiene una dinámica especial y una fuerte autenticidad, describiendo en detalle todos los acontecimientos de aquel tiempo, que, como se supone, podría ser la base para el reconocimiento oficial de las apariciones. El libro es ideal para escépticos y para todos aquellos que se encuentran con el fenómeno de Medjugorje por primera vez, y también contiene muchísimos detalles que no fueron publicados, incluso desconocidos para los los entusiastas de Medjugorje. Learn more about the book Also available in Español More languages |
Following up his international best-selling book, An Exorcist Tells His Story, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the renowned chief exorcist of Rome, expands on some of the key topics of his previous book, covering important details about demonic or occult issues.
By Padre PioThe world was startled in 2007 by revelations that Mother Teresa of Calcutta's spiritual life was full of serious doubts and personal suffering for nearly 50 years. The other great saint of the last half century - Padre Pio - offers similar revelations of his own in this enlightening collection of short excerpts from hisletters. Many books have been written on the life and works of Padre Pio, but Words of Light is not a book about what others think or say about him. Here, hespeaks for himself. If you are interested in the complexities and challenges of contemporary faith, you will benefit from these short teachings, counsels, and recollections culled from some of Padre Pio's most personal writings. In these letters I quickly discovered the same states of soul that were described by the great mystics. Padre Pio's own 'dark night' was in no way inferior to that described by John of the Cross, and equally the 'living flame' of his love for God dazzles the reader and allows them to catch a glimpse of another world. — Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, from the Introduction. SKU: 46554 |
In 1992, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was enjoying a pint with his brother when he got an idea that would change his life - and radically change the lives of others. After watching a news bulletin about war-torn Bosnia, the two brothers agreed to take a week’s hiatus from work to help. What neither of them expected is that what began as a one-time road trip in a beaten-up Land rover rapidly grew to become Magnus’s life’s work - leading him to leave his job, sell his house and direct all his efforts to feeding thousands of the world’s poorest children. SKU: 44499 FORMAT: Paperback
Bring Scripture to life with My Catholic Children’s Bible! The Bible is God’s Word. It is Him speaking to us, revealing his grand plan for each one of us—even, and especially, the youngest of us. In My Catholic Children’s Bible, God’s love letter to us is presented specifically for children. There is truly no better gift than God’s Word. Watch as the faces of the special children in your life light up with joy as they discover God’s plan from them through vivid storytelling and stunning, award-winning illustrations. My Catholic Children’s Bible engages children on their level and inspires them to love Our Lord. Parents and educators will love how it: Introduces children to Holy Scripture, Explains the importance of Scripture in the Life of the Church Helps a child create an active relationship with Jesus And most importantly, assures a child of God’s love. Filled with over 100 full-color illustrations depicting favorite scenes in the Bible, a special “Living with the Word of God” section, and a collection of Catholic Prayers, My Catholic Children’s Bible is a must-have gift for every child and every family.
By Vinita Hampton Wright Teresa of Avila articulated for all of us the wondrous interior landscape of prayer. Journey with her through a week of prayer and meditation. Pray the psalms andconfessions Teresa prayed. Use her words for meditation, and become acquainted with the wisdom of the saints whomade such an impact on Teresa's spiritual growth and practice. Each day of the week includes morning and evening prayer, and there is a topic for every day, based on themes that emerge from Teresa's life and work. "It is love alone that gives worth to all things." —Teresa of Avila. SKU: 46489
In the Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's extraordinary gift of divine insight as transcribed by her confessor enables us to witness the last days of Jesus Christ's earthly life, from the Garden of Gethsemane to His crucifixion and burial. |
I read Mirjana Soldo's book, My Heart Will Triumph. I can hardly put it down. Mirjana's real life experiences and visions of Our Blessed Mother come alive! I feel closer to our Heavenly Mother through this book.
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