By Sophie Piper These stores are faithfully retold for bedtime. The simple and respectful words are brought to life on every page with bright and appealing illustration to delight every young child. Includes these beloved stories: Noah and the Flood Moses and the Princess David and Goliath The First Christmas Jesus and the Fisherman The Lost Sheep . SKU: 46462
By Gregory and Elizabeth Ryan Young readers (age 5-9), parents, grandparents, teachers, and catechists willenjoy learning about the major events in Thomas Merton's life and the choices hemade along the way to become the world's most famous monk and hermit. The playful ABCs format used in this book will help children to remember what they are learning about Thomas Merton and the Christian life in general. With childlike simplicity, the book creates an open and contemplative mood for the child and grown-up sharing in the reading experience. "Highly recommended — very impressive." — Fr. Daniel Horan,OFM "Every reader whether young or young at heart will warmly be invited through this unique, informative, and cleverly illustrated little book to travel further into the heart and message of Thomas Merton in his ardent zeal to know the God of love and peace." — Msgr. Edward J. Arnister, Diocese of Trenton, NJ "The perfect tool to invite the next generation to discover Merton, read his books, and see how his wisdom is a guide for our lives." — Sr. Monica Weis, SSJ, Rochester University, Mertonscholar . SKU: 46469
By Frank JelenekThis resource has been declared Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur by William B. Smith, S. T. D., Censor Librorum and Dennis J. Sullivan, Vicar General, Archdiocese of New YorkMillions of books have been sold, teaching adults the practice of centering prayer. Finally, a guide for children!Centering prayer is a way of openingour whole being to God, beyond thoughts, words andemotions. It is simple and practical—a way of preparing heart and mind to receive the gift of intimate relationship with God. Jesus said, “When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6) Frank Jelenek shows young children just how to do that. The first guide to a contemplative prayer practice for children, Journey to the Heart both instructs and inspires. Many parents and teachers will learn fromthis colorful treasure of a book, as well! Until now, parents and teachers had no resource available to introduce children to the joys of communicating with God in this special, intimate way. This loving book makes it easy for children to share in the spiritual nourishment of centering prayer through age-appropriate illustrations and text that provides clear directions and encouragement in simple, fun language. Ideal for ages 3 — 10. SKU: 46475
By Including the writings of St. Thomas a Kempis, Brother Lawerence, St. Anthony of Egypt and St. Catherine of SienaThese thematic collections of spiritual teachings from the best Christian writers in history are sure to be popular with book study groups, Centering prayer gatherings, adult Christian formation, and for individual spiritual reading. SKU: 46490
By St. Augustine, St. Thomas a Kempis and St. Catherine of SienaThese thematic collections of spiritual teachings from the best Christian writers in history are sure to be popular with book study groups, Centering prayer gatherings, adult Christian formation, and for individual spiritual reading. SKU: 46491
By Gregory FloydGregory Floyd's autobiographical journey through grief after the tragic death of his youngest son recounts thefull impact of such a loss on a Christian family. In this thoroughly updated and expanded edition, Floyd more than ever before allows the reader into his heart as he grapples with the interior emotions that question the goodness of God in the midst of unbearable grief. With honesty and candor, this loving father openly reveals the depths of his pain as he struggles to maintain his faith and provide leadership for the rest of his family. He reflect on what it is like to live with the grief fifteen years on, as he watches his other children mature, get married, and begin lives fully on their own."An extraordinary account... At once emotionally devastating, at times spirituallyexhilarating, and most of the time both at once."— First Things"This is no ordinary book about grief. Gregory Floyd writes from the depth of a father's heart with sensitivity and spiritual reality."—Thomas J. Monaghan Founder of Domino's PizzaUltimately a story of profound hope and healing, A Grief Unveiled offers encouragement and empathynot only to those who have experienced the agony of parental bereavement, but to anyone who has suffered a loss. SKU: 46519
Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church Putting Joy into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church is an invitation to a life of joy. Phoebe Farag Mikhail explains what joy is and how to experience it through seven spiritual practices that cultivate our inner lives and connect us to our communities. These seven practices, which include giving thanks, hospitality, praise, and more, take us on a journey that leads to joy through the giving and receiving of sacrificial love. She describes her own experiences and struggles with joy and offers practical ways to implement these practices to increase joy in our own lives and in the lives of all those around us. Format: Paperback Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches Pages: 180. SKU: 57858
This beautiful collection of inspiring holiday prayers will bring back heartwarming memories and open new understanding of the sacred season. Many of us feel a little closer to our faith during the Christmas season—even those without a regular faith practice. Around us, people are talking about peace on Earth and goodwill towards all, while deeply rooted Christmas rituals and traditions and familiar prayers speak to our hearts—a refreshing respite in this age.
People from all faiths and none at all find in the Celtic tradition an expression of spirituality deeply connected to nature, and vibrantly alive — a spiritual rootedness we long for in the twenty-first century — at the same time simpler and more richly diverse. This book is a collection of some of the most beautiful prayers of the Celtic tradition that speak to us across the centuries. The early Celts lived in a time and place where nature was ever-present — in the seasonal harvest and disruptions of it, in the sometimes brutal climate, and in all the gifts from the earth. In their simple rural life, they were surrounded by the cycles of nature: the seasons, lunar months, tides, dawn and dusk. Even in ordinary tasks — gardening, metalworking, sheep herding, and farm chores — they felt God’s sacred presence all around in the natural world.
From the bestselling author of All Creation Waits — a beautiful book for Lent. Pangolins and polar bears, olms, lemurs, and leopards. We share this planet with creatures magnificent, delicate, intricate—and now vanishing at a faster rate than at any other time in Earth’s history. Spend Lent with twenty-five of these endangered animals. Vivid descriptions of the miracle of each creature and the peril it faces will fill readers with wonder and grief at what these animals suffer on a planet shaped by human choices. Their true and difficult stories will wake readers to a greater compassion—which is what Lent, meaning “springtime,” has always been for. These stories also wake in us a wild hope that from all this death and ruin something new could rise. The promise of Lent is that something new will rise. In fact, as these stories attest, our hope, though wild, is not impossible and is already loose in the world. "Wild Hope is the only book whose table of contents alone gave me chills. Here’s the deal: the living world, life on planet Earth, is sacred. Author Gayle Boss yearns to show us that we live in a miracle. And she succeeds in showing us that we are not alone on this holy planet. This is a beautifully elegant, deeply excellent book, pursued by grace on every page, in every stunning illustration." —Carl Safina, ecologist, NYT bestselling author of Beyond Words and Becoming Wild; MacArthur Fellow and founder of The Safina Center |
By Scot McKnight and Laura McKnight Barringer, Illustrated by Dave Hill Sharing God’s Love, the children’s companion to The Jesus Creed, can transform kids as they learn to love God and to love one another, intentionally. Join Aksel and Finley throughout their day at home and school as they discover how to live out the Jesus Creed, remembering: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself." This is a great resource for Sunday School classes. . SKU: 46471
By Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, illustrated by Joani Keller RothenbergFolklore has been used throughout history to teach and inspire- this new release in paperback will do just that. Inspired by a Jewish folktale, this charming original story begins: Once there was a town called Chelm where there was no luck. If something could go wrong, it did. The roofs of the houses always leaked. The sidewalks were cracked. The gardens grew only weeds. Nothing was ever right. But just wait and find hope with best-selling author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso (nearly 500,000 copies of her books are in print). Sandy Eisenberg Sasso is the best-selling author of In God's Name, God's Paintbrush, Creation's First Light, and other books. She is a rabbi and director of the Religion, Spirituality and Arts Initiative at Butler University in Indianapolis. Joani Rothenberg is the illustrator of several children's books. She also lives in Indianapolis. SKU: 46478
By Rebekah McLeod Hutto, Illustrated by Stephanie HaigPentecost, the Church's birthday, is an often-overlooked holiday. This book celebrates the miraculous events that occurred on Pentecost and the ways in which the Holy Spirit shaped and continues to shape who we are as God's Church. Children will learn the story of Pentecost: the sights, the sounds, and the people that began the community of the Church. They will discover who the Holy Spirit is and how God calls each of us to follow Jesus. Parents, educators, and ministers can discover new ways to celebrate Pentecost with children in their churches and families."Finally a story for young children about Pentecost! Children willenjoy reading about the birthday of their church, and they — along with the adults who love them — will be better able to wrap their hearts and minds around this curious celebration called Pentecost. Alleluia!" — Rev. Matt Matthews author of the novel Mercy Creek and Pastor, St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC."Readers and listeners of all ages will discover much to stimulate their understanding of Pentecost through this theologically grounded book. Its engaging qualities and vivid images rhythmically connects children to the movement of The Holy Spirit, and the birth of the Church. Rebekah seamlesslyhelps children understand this sometimes difficultcelebration in the liturgical year." — Melanie C. Gordon, Director of Ministry with Children, Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church"This is a delightful and powerful telling of the birth of the church. Your child will love this book. The Day When God Made Church invites the parent,teacher, and child to engage in conversation about God,love, and the church. This is the book we have been waiting for...." — The Rev. Mark Bozzuti-Jones award winning author of God Created and Jesus, the Word. SKU: 46481
By Peter GordayDiscover the wisdom of this controversial theologian whose counsel and meditations have found a wide audience for more than three centuries. Fran?ois F_nelon was a seventeenth-century French archbishop who rose to a position of influence in the court of Louis XIV. Amid the splendor and decadence of Versailles, F_nelon became a wise mentor to many members of the king's court as well as to the controversial Madame Guyon. Later exiled from Versailles for political reasons, F_nelon set out to improve the lot of peasants of his diocese and to deepen the spiritual life of all with whom he came in contact. Until his death, he corresponded with those at court who had become his spiritual "children." Twenty-first century Christians are rediscovering the wisdom of this spiritual thinker. Together with Pascal—who was an old man in Fenelon's youth—he showed how it was possible to have devotion and faith in the Age of Enlightenment. He battled heresies, faced charges of heresy himself, and wrote masterful books of insight into the spiritual life. "Peter Gorday's life of Fenelon is a gem. I recommend it to anyone with an interest in Fenelon or Christian mysticism in general." _Dr. Chad Helms, Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, Presbyterian College, and editor of Fenelon:Selected Writings (Classics of Western Spirituality) "Gorday traces the complex situation in Fenelon's time and the varying perspectives of his interpreters. He declares him not cunning but tough as a thinker. In this book, we get not only a fascinating story but also a subtle guide to self-examination." -Dr. Eugene TeSelle, Emeritus, Vanderbilt Divinity School. SKU: 46501
By Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove"In whatever place you live, do not easily leave it."—Abba Anthony, 3rd century AD"Without passing your own door, you can know the world. Without looking through the window, you can see the road to heaven. The farther you go, the less you know."—Lao-tzu, 7th century BCDeep down in our bones, we seem toknow that rapid change and constant motion are hazards to our spiritual health. Humans long for the simplicity of a life that blossoms into its fullness by becoming rooted in a place. For the Christian tradition, the heart'strue home is a life rooted in the love of God. True peace is possible when our spirits are stilled and our feet are planted—and when we get this stability of heart deep down inside of us, real growth begins tohappen. The Wisdom of Stability speaks to each of us who seek an honest path of Christian transformation. A leader of the new monastic movement, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove shows how you can:Cultivatestability by rooting yourself more deliberately in the place where you live. Truly engage with the people you are with. Slow down and participate in simpler rhythms of life. Live in ways that speak to thedeeper yearnings of the human heart. "Stability may be the virtue that 21st-century Christians most ignore—and the virtue we are most called to embrace. This fine book will inspire you to look at your own life, asking 'Where am I restless? Where might God be calling me to be rooted, to stay put?'" —Lauren Winner, author of Mudhouse Sabbath and Girl Meets God"Jonathan speaks out like the prophets of old, and calls us into an alternative lifestyle."—Tony Campolo, Professor Emeritus,Eastern University. SKU: 46516
By Jerusha Hull McCormackThis book is designed to help those in pain—and specifically those who are coping with how to grieve the death of a loved one—to imagine the path before them. There is no sure route on how to grieve. JerushaMcCormack provides instead a series of signposts by which we may find our own path to a new life. "We are all amateurs at grief," she writes, "it comes to us all; we must all go through it. To treat grief as a problem to be fixed, or (worse still) to medicalize it, is to rob us of the extraordinary privilege of encountering this experience on our terms: for each of us has our own way of grieving, and each of us has something special to learnfrom the process."For anyone coping with how to grieve, or dealing with loss. "Chances are, if you are reading this, your heart is broken. This book is designed to help those in pain—and specifically those who have lost someone through death—to imagine the path before them. It is a path of suffering. But it is also a path that may lead to unexpected discoveries—and to peace." —Jerusha HullMcCormack "This book is a personal, concrete exploration of ways to deal with the pain of loss. It is a book of lessons learned firsthand by the author in her own grieving, and so the book has an unusual immediacy and usefulness. I can imagine giving it to a friend as a first resource. While there are many books offering theories about grief, this one offers a phenomenology of sorrow, a charting of a wide range of experiences anyone might have in the aftermath of loss. It is an excellentbook addressed to the person grieving, not to the person thinking about grief." —Thomas Moore,author of Care of the Soul "McCormack writes straight from the heart in a simple language that is infused with a spirituality that is never preachy or pushy... Anyone who is grieving or anyone who knows a grieving person will find hope and support in this small book." —Publishers Weekly, starred review. SKU: 46518
By Hilda St. ClairA book that reminds us to look up with wonder at all times and in all places. Hand-lettered words of wisdom are paired with joyful paintings and interactive exercises. Featuring 60 inspiring quotes along with uplifting, colorful art and writing prompts, this small personal journal encourages reflection, revelation, and creativity. A perfect gift to give yourself or someone you love. Hilda St. Clair is an artist and writer who liveson Cape Cod in Massachusetts. SKU: 46528
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Susan Beyersdorf
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