

  • Fatima Para Hoy

    "Para nosotros, Fátima es una señal de la presencia de la fe, del hecho que precisamente es de los pequeños que ésta adquiere nuevas fuerzas, tales que no solamente están sujetas a los pequeños sino que contiene un mensaje para el mundo entero y toca la historia aquí y ahora, y brinda luz a esta historia."- Papa Benedicto XVI. SKU: 44462
    (2 reviews)  
    SKU: 44462


  • The Companion to the Catechism of The Catholic Church

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church reads "often the texts of Sacred Scripture are not quoted literally but merely indicated as a reference ('Cf.') in the footnotes. For a deeper understanding of those passages, the reader should go to the texts themselves. These Biblical references are a working tool for catechesis." This Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Book of References contains all the passages of Sacred Scripture referred to in the Catechism arranged according to the paragraphs in which the references are made. But that is only a beginning. The Catechism also refers to conciliar texts, papal documents, writings of the Fathers and of the Saints. There are more than 3,600 of these references extending from the earliest credal formulations of the ancient Church to the documents of Vatican II and beyond to the magisterial teaching of Pope John Paul II. The Book of References includes all the texts referred to arranged, along with the Scripture passages, according to the paragraphs of the Catechism in which they are referred. This Book of References is a valuable instrument in teaching, understanding, and implementing the Catechism. It is a handy one-volume reference library for use with the Catechism. "... I ask the Church's pastors and the Christian faithful to receive this Catechism in a spirit of communion and to use it assiduously in fulfilling their mission of proclaiming the faith and calling people to the Gospel life." Pope John Paul II
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    SKU: 97985


  • Saint John Bosco: Mission to Love

    Flavio Insinna gives a winning performance as John (Don) Bosco, the great priest and educator of youth from the tough streets of Turin, Italy. Beautifully filmed in Italy, this epic movie dramatizes the many challenges that Don Bosco had to overcome from his childhood through founding his religious order, the Salesians, for helping educate boys. Growing up without a father gave him compassion for the many orphans that he cared for, while he faced persecution from both secular society and the Church as he fought to build a place to house and educate the homeless, outcast youth of Turin. His deep faith, creative imagination and profound charity shine through in this wonderful film. Also stars Charles Dance (Gosford Park) and popular Italian singer and actress Lina Sastri.

    This DVD contains the following language options:
    Italian with English or Spanish subtitles, or English dubbed track. This movie is Not Rated. Includes a 16 page collector’s booklet.

    This is a Region 1 DVD (playable ONLY in Bermuda, Canada, the Cayman Islands, United States and U.S. territories).

    SKU 99282


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    SKU: 99282


  • Chance or Purpose? by Schoenborn

    Cardinal Christoph Schonborn
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 33824
    $19.95 save 25%


  • Francis: The Pope from the New World DVD

    On March 13, 2013 the world was introduced to Pope Francis. He was the first Pope from the Americas, the first Jesuit, and the first to take the name Francis. Within days he had captured the hearts of the world through his gestures of humility and care for the common man. Yet he remained largely unknown. Francis: The Pope From the New World unveils the personality, passion and extraordinary faith of the new Pope. Filmed on location in Buenos Aires, and featuring interviews with close friends, collaborators, and his official biographer this documentary traces the remarkable rise of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. This DVD contains the following language options: English or Spanish
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33852
    $19.95 save 50%


  • Something Other Than God by Jennifer Fulwiler

    Jennifer Fulwiler told herself she was happy. Why wouldn't she be? She made good money as a programmer at a hot tech start-up, had just married a guy with a stack of Ivy League degrees, and lived in a twenty-first-floor condo where she could sip sauvignon blanc while watching the sun set behind the hills of Austin. Raised in a happy, atheist home, Jennifer had the freedom to think for herself and play by her own rules. Yet a creeping darkness followed her all of her life. Finally, one winter night, it drove her to the edge of her balcony, making her ask once and for all why anything mattered. At that moment everything she knew and believed was shattered. Asking the unflinching questions about life and death, good and evil, led Jennifer to Christianity, the religion she had reviled since she was an awkward, sceptical child growing up in the Bible Belt. Mortified by this turn of events, she hid her quest from everyone except her husband, concealing religious books in opaque bags as if they were porn and locking herself in public bathroom stalls to read the Bible. Just when Jennifer had a profound epiphany that gave her the courage to convert, she was diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition-and the only treatment was directly at odds with the doctrines of her new-found faith. Something Other Than God is a poignant, profound and often funny tale of one woman who set out to find the meaning of life and discovered that true happiness sometimes requires losing it all. 256 pages. Jennifer Fulwiler is a programmer-turned-writer who chronicles her experiences of faith and family life on her popular blog, ConversionDiary. Com. Her articles have also appeared in America, Our Sunday Visitor, Envoy and National Review Online. She has been a guest on the television shows Fox and Friends, Life on the Rock, and The Choices We Face, and and was also the subject of the reality show Minor Revisions. She and her husband, Joe, live in Austin, Texas, with their six young children.
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33843
    $22.95 save 22%


  • Francis: Pope of a New World by Tornielli

    "Francis, rebuild my Church!" That is how St. Francis of Assisi heard the call of Christ. It is also how Jorge Mario Bergoglio, at the age of 76, and a Jesuit, seems to have accepted his election to the papacy with the choice of a name that no other pope has ever chosen. Who is Pope Francis, elected in one of the shortest conclaves in history? Who is the man chosen to be the first pope from the Americas and the first Jesuit pope?How does he see the world and his ministry? How does he understand his call to serve Christ, his Church, and the world? In short, what is the mind and heart of this new pope of a new world--of the Americas and the rest of the world of the 21st Century?In the words, the ideas, and the personal recollections of Pope Francis--including material up to the final hours before his election--the most highly regarded Vatican observer on the international scene reveals the personality of this man of God, gentle and humble. The son of Italian immigrants to Argentina, he made radically following Christ and the way of non-violence the pillars of his pastoral ministry in a country, continually tormented by social and economic inequities. This complete biography offers the keys to understanding the man who was a surprise choice, even a kind of revolutionary choice, for pope. It is the story of the humble pastor of one of the world's largest archdioceses; a cardinal who takes the bus, talks with common folk, and lives simply. It is the story of why the cardinal electors of the Catholic Church set aside political and diplomatic calculations to elect a pope to lead the renewal and purification of the worldwide Church of our time. Andrea Tornielli is a Vatican correspondent for the highly regarded Italian newspaper La Stampa who has collaborated with numerous Italian and international publications. His numerous books include Pius XII, the Pope of the Jews; The Choice of Martini; Pope Luciani: the Smile of a Saint; The Pope Who Saved the Jews; Benedict XVI, Guardian of the Faith; The Secret of Padre Pio and Karol Wojtyla; and The Attack on Ratzinger (with Paolo Rodari). 200 pages.
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33835
    $19.95 save 10%


  • The Kerygma by Kiko Arg

    "This is one of those books that, in its simplicity, is full of substance and depth, and it deserves to be read." - Cardinal Antonio Ca
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33845
    $14.95 save 7%


  • The Light of Faith by Pope Francis

    Faith is the source of light, of guidance for the Christian life. "We walk by faith, not by sight", wrote St Paul. In his first encyclical Pope Francis reflects on the meaning of faith, the beginning of God's gracious salvation. Faith is the means by which man encounters the living God through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. Francis draws on key themes of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who wrote encyclicals on charity and hope. He intended to complete the set with a reflection on faith, which would also have underscored the Year of Faith that he launched. Benedict's history-making retirement meant he was unable to finish his encyclical. Francis took up the task, adding his own insights, themes, and emphases to the work begun by Benedict XVI. According to Pope Francis, Light of Faith is a "four hand document". Pope Benedict, Francis notes, "handed it to me, it is a strong document. He did the great amount of work". Thus, although officially Light of Faith (Lumen Fidei) is an encyclical of Pope Francis and reflects his teaching ministry, it is also reflects the work of Pope Emeritus Benedict. This is not only Francis' first encyclical; it is also the first encyclical to have been openly written by two successors of St. Peter.111 pages.
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33826
    $14.95 save 13%


  • Jesus of Nazareth - Softcover by Benedict XVI

    In this bold, momentous work, the pope—in his first book written as Benedict XVI—seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from recent “popular” depictions and to restore Jesus’ true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Through his brilliance as a theologian and his personal conviction as a believer, the pope shares a rich, compelling, flesh-and-blood portrait of Jesus and incites us to encounter, face-to-face, the central figure of the Christian faith. From Jesus of Nazareth… “the great question that will be with us throughout this entire book: But what has Jesus really brought, then, if he has not brought world peace, universal prosperity, and a better world? What has he brought? The answer is very simple: God. He has brought God! He has brought the God who once gradually unveiled his countenance first to Abraham, then to Moses and the prophets, and then in the wisdom literature—the God who showed his face only in Israel, even though he was also honored among the pagans in various shadowy guises. It is this God, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, the true God, whom he has brought to the peoples of the earth. He has brought God, and now we know his face, now we can call upon him. Now we know the path that we human beings have to take in this world. Jesus has brought God and with God the truth about where we are going and where we come from: faith, hope, and love.”
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33829


  • Mary: God's Yes to Man

    Introduction by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Commentary by Hans Urs von Balthasar. Pope John Paul II's only encyclical on our Blessed Mother, with introduction by the Cardinal Prefect of the congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who would eventually become Pope Benedict XVI, and commentary by one of the world's leading Catholic theologians, Hans Urs von Balthasar. The Church's supreme magisterium and representative of the Church's most penetrating theological reflection combine to provide for all the faithful a rich and concise compendium of the Mother of the Redeemer. Pages: 170Paperback
    (2 reviews)  
    SKU: 44119


  • Padre Pio Wonder Worker by Brother Francis Mary, F.F.I.

    The many gifts Padre Pio had such as the stigmata, bilocation, miraculous scents, prophecy, reading hearts, healing, interpreting languages and many other charisms, rank him among the most extraordinary Saints in the two-thousand year history of the Church. Padre Pio
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 33831
    $12.95 save 8%


  • Bella DVD

    For every copy a customer buys of BELLA, one copy of the film is donated thru the "Bella Hero Program" to a crisis pregnancy center to give to a mother facing a challenging pregnancy that the film will inspire her to give her baby life. The acclaimed, award-winning theatrical hit that tells the moving and life-affirming story about a beautiful waitress in a New York City restaurant facing a crisis pregnancy and unemployment, and the loving support she receives from a kind man with a mysterious past seeking to heal deep wounds of his own. Charismatic actor Eduardo Verastegui and lovely Tammy Blanchard give powerful lead performances in this surprise winner of the coveted
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 33858
    $16.95 save 6%


  • Kolbe: Saint of the Immaculata by Kalvelage, FFI

    Edited by Br. Francis Mary Kalvelage, FIThe most in-depth book yet on the life and work of the great modern martyr of charity and Marian Saint, Maximilian Kolbe, whom Pope John Paul II called "The Saint of our difficult century". Over ten authors, including foremost Mariologists Fr. Peter Fehlner, Fr. James McCurry, Fr. Jerzy Domanski, and Mark Miravalle have contributed insightful and inspiring chapters that plumb the depths of Kolbe's multi-faceted life, holiness and profound Marian spirituality. This book explains the controversial misrepresentation of Kolbe as anti-Semitic, his insights and strong stand against Freemasonry, and his unique, powerful Marian teachings that have made him the "prophet of the Immaculata". Missionary, theologian, writer, publisher, founder of Marytown, Marian mystic, and martyr of charity in Auschwitz, St. Maximilian Kolbe shines through the pages of this powerful book, and the reader will see why Kolbe will soon be regarded as one of the greatest saints in Church history, truly a man for all times. Illustrated with over 40 photos. 250 pages.
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 33830
    $12.95 save 8%


  • An Exorcist: More Stories - by Fr. Gabriele Amorth

    Following up his international best-selling book, An Exorcist Tells His Story, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the renowned chief exorcist of Rome, expands on some of the key topics of his previous book, covering important details about demonic or occult issues.
    (0 reviews)  
    SKU: 97810
    $17.99 save 6%


  • Miracles of John Paul II by Zuchniewicz

    An instant best-seller when released in Europe, this powerful book describes the life and impact of Pope John Paul II as told by individuals from all over the world who give moving personal testimonies how they experienced healings through the intercession of Pope John Paul II during his lifetime. From little children to old age adults, including Cardinals, well-known lay people and many others, these detailed testimonies reveal amazing healings and answers to prayers through the direct intervention of John Paul II while still alive. This book also takes us behind the scenes of the May 13, 1981 assassination attempt on the Pope in St. Peter
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33833
    $20.00 save 10%


  • Francis and Clare, Saints of Assisi by Homan

    Vision Book about St. Francis and St. Clare, the two very popular saints of Assisi. Helen Homan has captured all the excitement and beauty of the lives of these saints from their childhood growing up together in Assisi to their profound conversion and lifelong influence
    (3 reviews)  
    SKU: 33839


  • The Way of Humility by Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio (Pope Francis)

    Originally a series written by Pope Francis while he was Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, these profound meditations give an inspiring introduction to the path of humility and love needed to form true Christian communities. They are divided into two separate works, Corruption and Sin, and Self-Accusation. As the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Pope Francis ministered in a country that suffered greatly from the effects of corruption in public and private life. In these texts, the current Holy Father reflects on the connection between sin and corruption in the life of every Christian and how pride and self-sufficiency lead from one to the other. The roots of many of the themes of his pontificate can be found in these texts on humility, honesty and simplicity. The two pieces are on different but related issues. The difference between sin and corruption and the remedy for sin, which is self-accusation, meaning telling oneself the truth about one's faults. In short, pride is the problem; humility is the solution. The Pope states: "It will do us good to reflect together on the problem of corruption and also on its relationship with sin. It will do us good to shake up our souls with the prophetic force of the Gospel, which places us in the truth about things by stirring up the layers of fallen dead leaves of human weakness and complicity that can create the conditions for corruption. It will do us a lot of good, in the light of God's word, to learn to discern the different states of corruption that surround us and threaten to lead us astray. It will do us good to say to one another again, "Yes, I'm a sinner; but no, I'm not corrupt!"-and to say it with fear, lest we accept the state of corruption as just another sin." 105 pages. Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) is the first Latin American to be elected to the chair of Peter. A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, he served as head of the Society of Jesus in Argentina, then became the archbishop of Buenos Aires, and was elected to be the Pope in March, 2013.
    (4 reviews)  
    SKU: 33846
    $12.95 save 15%



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