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Gold Oxide Papal Crucifix Keychain
This beautiful Gold Oxide Papal Crucifix Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee. The pendant measures 2 1/2 x 1 5/8 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37029
Antique Gold God Bless This Rv Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold God Bless This Rv Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 1/4 x 1 3/8 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37035
Antique Gold God Bless This Sailboat Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold God Bless This Sailboat Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/2 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37039
Antique Gold St. Ann Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold St. Ann Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 2 3/8 x 2 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37043
Antique Gold St. Florian Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold St. Florian Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 1/8 x 1 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37071
Antique Silver St. Florian Keychain
This beautiful Antique Silver St. Florian Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 1/8 x 1 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37072
Antique Gold St. George Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold St. George Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37079
Antique Gold St. Gerard Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold St. Gerard Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37081
Gold Oxide St. John of God Keychain
This beautiful Gold Oxide St. John of God Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 3/4 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37087
Gold Oxide St. Joseph the Worker Keychain
This beautiful Gold Oxide St. Joseph the Worker Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee .
The pendant measures 1 3/4 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable.
Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37101
Gold Oxide St. Martin de Porres Keychain
This beautiful Gold Oxide St. Martin de Porres Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37109
Gold Oxide St. Petronille Keychain
This beautiful Gold Oxide St. Petronille Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37128
Gold Oxide St. Stephen the Martyr Keychain
This beautiful Gold Oxide St. Stephen the Martyr Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37140
Silver Oxide St. Teresa of Avila Keychain
This beautiful Silver Oxide St. Teresa of Avila Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37143
Antique Gold St. William Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold St. William Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 7/8 x 1 1/4 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37150
Antique Gold San Damiano Keychain
This beautiful Antique Gold San Damiano Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 2 x 1 3/8 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37152
Antique Silver Scapular Keychain
This beautiful Antique Silver Scapular Keychain is made in the USA and features a Lifetime Guarantee . The pendant measures 1 5/8 x 1 and the chain and key ring are extremely durable. Ships the next business day.
SKU: 37155
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