Saint Francis’s story is an incredible tale of humility and miracles.
His upbringing was a privileged one, his father was a wealthy man who ran a very successful business. Saint Francis wanted for nothing as a child. As a young adult, he behaved recklessly, drinking heavily and partying often. He went off to war and ended up imprisoned for one year while his father worked out the terms of his release.
During this time in prison, Francis began what seemed like a transformation into another person; humble, kind, patient and empathetic. However, his true conversion occurred when he heard the voice of God one night.
A book titled, “Francis of Assisi The Essential Writings”, stated this happened while he was praying in a run-down church in San Damiano. God said to him, “Go and rebuild my church.” Saint Francis took this literally and began immediately repairing this exact church where God had spoken to him.
At this time, wealth and greed were taking over the fundamentals of the Catholic Church and Francis insisted on being an example of just the opposite. This inspired his decision to live in poverty and give away all of his belongings, donating them to the poor.
Hearing God speak was everything to Saint Francis; this event changed the course of his life and brought him closer to God than he could have ever imagined. After his unique experience, St. Francis literally saw Jesus in every living thing, which led to him embracing lepers, giving all he had to beggars, and having the utmost respect for nature and animals.
There is one point in particular that struck me, in a writing titled, “A Legend & A Life Story: Who was Saint Francis of Assisi?” A comparison article of, “The Legend of Saint Francis” by Thomas of Celano and “The Legend of Three Companions” about Saint Francis’s closest lifelong friends; Leo, Angelo, and Rufino, written by Kate Gough. Here she summarizes, “Once Saint Francis learned to hear the still small voice of the Lord, his focus shifted from worldly things to spiritual things.
After a time of confusion and misinterpreted visions of glory (confirmed in both texts), young Francis finally understood that the glory he had been shown was not earthly glory or power— he was to receive physical invisible power, and favor from the Lord of all. He became so sensitive to the Spirit’s calling in his life that he was willing to go anywhere and do anything- give up his whole world and walk about naked and poor for the sake of becoming closer to God.”
This made me wonder if we all had the ability to hear the “still small voice of the Lord” by seeing Jesus in everyone we meet and keeping our focus on God’s intentions for us.
Saint Francis was viewed as crazy during his time because people couldn’t fathom how he said or did the things he did. Some even accused him of being ill, but in some ways he was simply living in “another world,” in peace and unity with God. Start your own journey into the world of St. Francis with these resources:
To learn how to pray like St. Francis read: The St. Francis Prayer Book A Guide to Deepen Your Spiritual Life
For a look at Saint Francis’s very own writings check out: Francis of Assisi The Essential Writings In His Own Words
To hear about Saint Francis’s impact on the life of his friends read: The Little Flowers of Saint Francis
For a special look into St. Francis’s life by an incredible and very well known catholic author read: Saint Francis of Assisi
For all of these in one check out: The Complete Francis of Assisi
A look at all of our Saint Francis Pendants